"To me the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the inner music that words make."  Truman Capote

HELLO  my name is Caroline Murray and welcome to my ENG 252 portfolio. There are a few things that people need to know about me in order to understand who I am and why writing fits into my lifestyle. For one, I am  a natural red-head . Some people do not believe that  hair color defines the kind of person you are, I would have to disagree.  If I were a blonde or a brunette, I would be a completely different person than I am today.  My hair makes me fiery, funny, outgoing, reserved, calm and  goal oriented all in one.

Writing is a huge part of who I am and it took me a long time to figure that out. During my  high school career I would dread an assigned essay or that silly little poem my English teacher would give us to do. Now that I am in college I appreciate writing  much more and have enjoyed how I have developed my own writing style. My mind now allows me to unleash  my creativity onto pieces of paper for everyone to read. Each individual piece tells a little more about myself as a person and as a writer.

So keep exploring my portfolio if you want, I wont push you. I wont tell you that you have too. All I can suggest is that you do because I guarantee you wont regret it.